Bus lines from Sarajevo to Mostar
On the route from Sarajevo to Mostar, there is a bus operated by Autoprevoz Bus Mostar. Departures from Mostar depart from East Bus Station, while those from Sarajevo depart from Sarajevo Bus Station. The mentioned bus line operates six to 11 times a day, depending on the time and season. The line is up to 2 hours and 15 minutes at the most and its long 120-130 kilometers, depending on which part of Sarajevo it departs from or which part of Sarajevo it arrives at. If you use return tickets and tickets with discounts for students, you can get the cheapest price for bus transportation on the route Mostar to Sarajevo.
On this route from Sarajevo to Mostar, Autoprevoz bus has been running for the past 70 years and it is a safe and reliable transport with a well-known company. If you intend to use a return ticket, we recommend using a return ticket with an open return date, leaving yourself room to return when you want and with any departure of this carrier. These tickets provide a total discount of over 20% in both directions.
If you come from Sarajevo airport, you can take a bus to Mostar from the bus station Sarajevo, Ilidža, Nedžarići or Pofalići. You can see the exact arrival time by bus from Sarajevo to Mostar for these stops on buskarta.ba in the timetable section or if you type in a direct location such as for example the Ilidža bus to Mostar.
You can use this line to Sarajevo, then connect to Sarajevo Airport mostly by public transport KJKP GRAS or Centrotrans company or taxi transport and vice versa.
Connections to the bus station in East Sarajevo are mostly by taxi and it is recommended that you use the stops in Nedžarići and Ilidža to get off the Mostar Sarajevo bus line. From the bus station in East Sarajevo you can take buses from Sarajevo to Belgrade, Sarajevo to Novi Sad, Sarajevo to Podgorica, Sarajevo to Foča and many other departures that you can see on buskarta.ba.
The bus line Mostar to Sarajevo is one of the lines that departs the most and as such is favorable for planning a stay in Mostar or Sarajevo.
When you arrive at Mostar bus station, you can transfer to Stolac, Blagaj, Počitelje, Međugorje, Čapljina, Dubrovnik, Split and all depending on when you plan to go. You can view bus line options at buskarta.ba or get information about further connections at the Mostar Bus Station. Further connections are either from the Mostar bus station or from the nearby city bus stops or the bus station in the west, which is not far away.
The price of each bus ticket on the Sarajevo to Mostar bus line can be checked on the buskarta.ba portal, as well as all other bus ticket prices. Here you will also find prices with discounts that are valid for BH citizens and some generally for all passengers, such as children. Using the buskarta.ba portal when buying a ticket means security, but also the possibility of refunding money if the trip is canceled and the like. Autoprevoz bus with its bus station in Mostar supports this flexible sales policy.
The bus transportation that is most often used from Sarajevo Airport to Mostar is transportation with the company Autoprevoz bus Mostar on the bus line Sarajevo to Mostar or Sarajevo to Stolac or Sarajevo to Gruda or Sarajevo to Blagajkao and Sarajevo to Međugorje with a stop at the bus station in Mostar. Simply go to the buskarta.ba portal and connect Sarajevo Airport to Mostar.